Indian Kabaddi team is on its way to the Olympic Games says Deepak Hooda

Deepak Hooda, the Captain of the Indian National kabaddi team believes strongly that team is sporting on its way to becoming included in the Olympics. The winning attitude and the number of victories make us to feel that the game was being recognized at the highest level.

Few prominent persons connected with the game strongly believe the higher level of recognition to the Indian Kabaddi team.  Deepak Niwaz Hooda the Indian Kabaddi team Captain also the recipient of the Arjuna Award, and Krishna Kumar Hooda, former Indian team coach, the winner of  Dronacharya Award (Lifetime) and Manpreet Singh, who has won the Dhyan Chand Award, have emphasized the games recognition.“Kabaddi players and coaches were one of the few in the list for the awards that play a sport which is not part of the Olympics. It shows that the sport is being recognized,” the captain said.“Apart from this, Pro Kabaddi always draws a lot of attention. Globally, other countries are getting better. So, I think it is only a matter of time before kabaddi reaches the Olympics.”

In the Asian Games 2018 the improved standards of other country players and the games were witnessed. Since 1990, 2018 is the year in which Men’s Kabaddi failed to reach the finals for the first time in the history, after a loss with Iran. That ended the monopolistic Gold win of Indian Kabaddi team. Men’s Indian Kabaddi team has won 7 Gold and Womens Kabaddi team has won 2 gold medals in Asian Games.  

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