Corona infected infants, brain damage of 2 children

New Delhi: The Corona virus has been confirmed in an unborn baby. An American study has revealed that two children suffered brain damage due to corona infections. It has come to light that the infection affected the unborn child of the woman and caused brain damage. In this incident, an infant died in just 13 months. This has also been confirmed by the autopsy. According to the study, this is the first such case in the world.

According to a study, both children were born to mothers who were found positive during the delta variant of Corona in the second quarter of 2020. This was the time when the corona vaccine was not available on the market. The day those children were born, on the same day, both children had a stroke, and their mental development was slow. Researchers said that while one child died at the age of 13 months, the other has been placed in hospice.

According to the report, Dr. Marilyn Benny, a paediatrician and assistant professor at the University of Miami, said that none of the children tested positive for corona infection but had high levels of COVID antibodies in their blood. This suggests that the virus can be transferred from the mother to the placenta and then to the baby. Researchers found evidence of the virus in the placentas of both mothers. Doctor Benny said that the brain of the child who died was tested. Due to the test, a virus has been found in the brain. It is known that brain damage has occurred due to infection. According to the study, corona infection was confirmed in the mothers of both babies. One had only mild symptoms, and the woman was delivered only after nine months. Whereas, the other mother was badly affected by the corona infection. The woman's condition was so critical that the doctors had to deliver her at 32 weeks.

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