Israel: Pathogenic strain of bird flu found among dozens of wild cranes

In Israel's Hula Valley, dozens of wild cranes infected with the H5N1 bird flu have been discovered, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The cases were detected after anomalous crane mortality was discovered in the area, and laboratory sample tests revealed the fatal H5N1 strain, according to the Ministry. According to reports, the Ministry of Health performed an epidemiological study once the infection was discovered and treated those who were in close proximity to the sick birds.

Hundreds of thousands of birds fly through Israel on their journey to Africa at this time of year, raising the danger of infection, according to the statement. To avoid infection, the Ministry advised farmers to keep farms and wild birds separate.

In northern and southern Israel, cases of avian flu have lately been identified in chicken coops. In 2006, nine industrial turkey coops in the south of Israel saw the first and largest epidemic of avian flu in Israel. H5N1 bird flu can infect other species, including pigs, cats, and tigers, as well as humans in rare circumstances.

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