Jammu and Kashmir: Terrorists hurled grenade on army car, 6 civilians injured

Srinagar: The attacks of terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir are increasing. Now in Baramulla district of Union Territory, terrorists threw grenades targeting security forces. However, no soldier has been injured in this attack. But 5 civilians passing through that place are definitely injured. The condition of 2 of them remains critical.

While informing the media, IG Range of Kashmir Range has told that the incident took place in Azad Gunj area of North Baramulla district. A convoy of the army was about to pass from there. In view of this, the forces had tightened security. Meanwhile, terrorists hurled a bomb at the security picket built there. But they missed the target. 5 civilians have been injured after the attack.

The condition of 2 of these injured is stated to be very critical. Both of these have been referred to Srinagar for treatment. The entire area has been blocked to catch the attackers. All entry and exit points in the area have been sealed. Earlier on Sunday, security forces killed three terrorists in an encounter with terrorists on the outskirts of Srinagar.

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