Celebs' anger erupts over death of pregnant elephant

Earlier, people have done something that while crossing the limits of humility, your heart will be shaken after listening. Some people in Kerala fed a pregnant elephant with a pineapple full of firecrackers. Due to this, the pineapple burst in female elephant's mouth and it died. This matter has caught rapid pace in the entire country and when this controversy started making headlines, then the film and TV stars along with the leaders also expressed their anger.

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Recently comedian Kapil Sharma has appealed to everyone to sign a petition through social media. Kapil says that this is the right time, even these stupid animals get justice. Now this campaign of Kapil Sharma is getting tremendous support and everyone is also praising his initiative and signing this petition. On the one hand, actress Dia Mirza has also expressed anger over this incident.


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Dia Mirza has demanded that all those who have done this shameful incident should be registered in criminal category against them. Not only this, she has also appealed to everyone like Kapil to sign a petition and she too has described this incident as suitable for bringing change in the society. There are many other celebs who have shown their anger on this incident.

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