Man used to have physical relation in morgue, dead bodies nude photos found in phone

Kodagu: A shocking incident has come to light from Madikeri in Karnataka. The case of the disgusting act of the peon of the hospital is in the news. The criminal worked in a hospital in Madikeri town. According to the police, Syed, a criminal working as a peon at Madikeri district hospital, clicked nude photos of the dead bodies of the women in the mortuary. The criminal has been absconding since the case was disclosed. Police have launched a search for the culprit.

The same surprising thing is that the criminal Syed had joined the hospital as a Covid warrior. During the Corona period, the criminal had kept about 300 bodies in the mortuary. But his disgusting reality has come out now. A Hindu organisation had lodged a police complaint against the culprit in this connection for taking photos at the mortuary. Syed fled after the complaint was lodged and also submitted his resignation to the hospital authorities.

Some reports also say that the criminal also had sex in the morgue of the hospital. The Hindu Jagran Forum has complained to the dean of the hospital, Dr Karyappa, that the attendant of the mortuary, Syed Hussain, called the female staff of the hospital to the morgue and sexually abused her. Apart from this, Syed Hussain is also accused of clicking photos of the naked bodies of women coming to the morgue. Nude photos of many dead women have been found in the criminal's phone. Reports said that call records inviting the female staff of the hospital to come to the mortuary for sex were also found in the criminal's mobile phone. In such a situation, it is suspected that he had relations with many women in the mortuary. The criminal, Syed, had recently tried to enter the house of a woman staff of the hospital. Locals had nabbed the culprit and snatched his mobile phone. Subsequently, Syed's heinous acts were revealed.

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