Limit your intake of Dairy products!!!

For a long time milk has been often associated with strong bones. It’s been depicted as probably the best and most accessible source of calcium and vitamin D, so that’s why children are frequently encouraged and prompted to drink a glass of milk almost every day to be healthy. Dairy products may not be so health-improving and harmless, most particularly if they’re consumed in larger amounts.

Rich in Cholesterol – cheese, butter, yogurt, and ice cream are sources of saturated fat and bad cholesterol, and as we know eating foods rich in those substances can increase the risk of having a heart disease.

Causes Cancer - There are some evidences that prove that dairy products have no link with colorectal cancer. Higher intake of cheese can lead to colorectal cancer.

Causes Type 1 Diabetes - cow’s milk proteins can elevate the risk of type 1 diabetes among infants. Destruction of beta-cells may lead to type 1 Diabetes.

Chronic Inflammation - Dairy is highly acidic, despite it containing high amounts of calcium that acts as an alkaline agent by nature. Milk is rich in natural acids that can cause calcium deposits to build up and potentially cause arthritis and long-term inflammation.

Constipation - Milk and cheese have no fiber.  (Neither does meat.)  Dairy is constipating for children. 

Lactose Intolerance - It is estimated that about 75 percent of the world’s population are ‘lactose intolerant’, and those that aren’t tolerate milk sugar because of an inherited genetic mutation.

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