Meghalaya: Use of double mask or N-95 mask mandatory at all times

Physical distancing of at least 6 feet to be followed as far as possible. Use of double masks or N-95 masks by all employees at all times. They should be worn properly to cover the nose and mouth. Avoid touching the front part of the mask/face cover. Practice frequent hand washing with soap (for at least 40-60 seconds) even if hands are not visibly dirty. Use of alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Respiratory etiquette should be strictly followed. This includes strenuous practice of covering your mouth and nose with a tissue/handkerchief/stuck elbow while coughing/sneezing and properly disposing of the used tissue.

The following SOPs for restaurants, bars, cafes and eateries to contain the spread of COVID-19 Background No .tourism.22/2020/Pt./69 dated 28/08.2021, this order has been issued.

By all restaurants, takeaway and delivery should be encouraged instead of dine-in. Food delivery personnel should drop the packets at the customer's doorstep and avoid handing over the food packets directly to the customer. Necessary precautions will be ensured while handling supplies, inventory and baggage in the restaurant. Proper queue management and disinfection will be followed.

Chandigarh railway station gets 5-star 'Eat Right Station' certificate

Durga Puja 2021: Durga Puja to be performed by 4 women priests for the first time, historic change

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