Monkey travelled 22 km to take revenge! Know the whole matter

There are many shocking reports from all over the world. Now, the recent news has come out from Kottighera village in Chikmagalur district, Karnataka. There's something shocking here. Yes, in fact, a monkey of the Bonnet Macaque species has become another star for the people! According to the information received, the monkey is 5 years old and was snatching fruits and food from people. At first, people did not pay much attention because monkeys do the same, but after the school opened, the monkey started moving around Morarji Desai school. In the meantime, the children were afraid of the monkey.

Meanwhile, someone informed the forest department and a team reached to nab the mischievous monkey. The team caught the monkey after a lot of effort. Meanwhile, an autorickshaw driver, Jagdish, had also reached for help but in the meantime the disturbed monkey attacked Jagdish. Seeing this Jagdish fled the spot but the monkey ran after him and then Jagdish hid in his auto but the monkey tore the sheets of his auto. Explaining this, Jagdish said, "I was very scared. Wherever I go, that crazy monkey follows me. He cut me so hard that the doctors said it would take a month for the wound to heal. I can't even drive my autorickshaw. I didn't go home that day because I was afraid he would chase me home. There are small children at home. If he attacks them. I'm still scared."

The monkey was caught after 3 hours of work by about 30 people. The forest department then released the monkey in Balur forest, 22 kilometres from the village. Everyone thought that the monkey would no longer come, but it did not happen, but the monkey boarded a truck passing by the Balur forest and reached Kottighera village again. As soon as Jagdish came to know about the monkey's return, he was scared. "When I heard that the monkey was back, my row stood up," Jagdish told a website. I called the forest department myself and asked them to come as soon as they could. I have not gone out of my house. I know it's the same monkey because last time we saw the mark behind his ear and my friend said that the villagers had seen the mark on the monkey's ear. After that, the forest department team came again and left him a second time in the remote forest. Now everyone hopes that he will not come again.

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