No exercise , just follow these tips to get a flat stomach

We al want to look helathy and fit but sheding those extra kilos is not an easy.  One of the best ways to shrink your stomach is to rely on digestion-promoting methods that can help you lose your ballooning belly fat fast. If you want to reduce bloating or improve digestion or rev up your metabolism to speed up your weight loss, incorporating these foods and daily habits in your life can help you do the job.

We bring you five easiest ways to help you slim down your tummy and lose body fat in a short amount of time.

High-protein breakfast- As per study, people who eat a diet high in protein tens to have less belly fat than those who consume a diet low in protein food sources. In fact, starting your day with a high-protein breakfast is an effective and healthy way to lose weight as it can help increase fullness and decrease appetite. You should try to include a good source of protein in every meal - such as eggs, fish, chicken, dairy, beans - when trying to lose some pounds, especially around your waist.

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Warm water and lemon - It is claimed that drinking warm water mixed with freshly squeezed lemon juice can help fight inflammation. Try swapping your early morning cuppa with this health detox drink to give your body a chance to absorb those essential nutrients that will not only help you burn fat but will also boost your immunity

Soluble fibre - E soluble fibre may help you lose weight and reduce belly fat by increasing fullness, which means you are less likely to overeat or consume extra calories. The fact is that this type of fibre absorbs water and forms a gel that lowers fat absorption, thereby aiding in weight management.

Salt intake- Salt can cause your body to retain water, typically around the belly, leading to bloating. Processed foods are often high in salt, added sugar and unhealthy fats. So, if you want your belly to flatten at the end of the day, you would want to avoid foods containing a large amount of salt, as well as check the sodium levels on your foods, including those prepared at home.

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Water - A number of studies show that drinking water increases the amount of calories your body burns. Some people even claim that drinking water before a meal aids weight loss by reducing appetite and calorie intake. Water is naturally free calorie-free, drink more of it instead of other beverages, which are often packed full of calories and added sugars.


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