Periods also change with increasing age, know more information here!

Sometimes periods are unpredictable, come late in a month and sometimes come prematurely. Sometimes bleeding lasts for a week and sometimes stops within 2-3 days. Changes in stress, health, or lifestyle affect the periods. Apart from this, it also changes with age. Let us know what kind of change can be seen in the period according to age.

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From adolescence to the age of 20, this is the age when your periods begin to occur randomly and suddenly. This is because adolescents do not ovulate regularly. However, a negative aspect of regular periods is that PMS symptoms accompany it, which can be worse.

In this case, you experience tenderness in the breast, stomach cramps and other prior symptoms. The last change that can come during your 20s is the hormonal changes caused by birth control pills. Many hormonal contraceptives can also make your periods more regular and light. The good thing is that it can also reduce the symptoms of PMS.

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This is the age from 20 to 30 when periods are regular. But any changes such as having more flow than normal should be consulted by a doctor immediately because when you are around 30, cases of endometriosis and fibroids are also very common. Another major change that can happen in the meantime relates to delivery. As much as women have children at the age of 30, pregnancy can completely change a woman's periods.

Age of 40 This is the time when you are moving towards a finale. Therefore, irregular periods, missed periods, spotting between periods and many other problems can occur. The perimenopausal stage is unpredictable, however, that does not mean that you cannot become pregnant. Also, during this time, your PMS symptoms may worsen as they come with perimenopausal changes. You may feel like too much mood swings, too much heat, sweating at night and these may be symptoms of PMS or perimenopause.

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