Corona Virus: PM congratulates the team that brought the stranded Indians in China

New Delhi: PM Narendra Modi has congratulated the team that brought Indian citizens from Wuhan battling the Coronavirus. PM Modi on Monday sent a letter to the nursing officer of Safdarjung Hospital Manu Joseph and all 10 members of his team. Joseph was also involved in the medical team going to Wuhan.

The letter written by PM Narendra Modi said, "The life-saving efforts of the medical team members of Safdarjung and Ram Manohar Lohia hospitals in the rescue of our citizens from Wuhan, which has become the epicenter of the coronavirus, is commendable". The letter further states that, 'Corona virus outbreak has caused worldwide concern. The evacuation of Indian citizens in such a situation has not only brought relief to the rescued people, but has assured the Indian expatriates around the world that in times of crisis the whole country stands firmly with them. You should continue to serve the country with similar resolve. ' Let us tell you that among the 10 members whose team was transported to Wuhan in China, Dr. Anand Vishal, Dr. Pulin Gupta, Dr. Sanjeet Panesar, Ajo Jose and Sarath Prem of Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital were, while Dr. from Safdarjung Hospital Yogesh Chandra Porwal, Dr. Rupali Malik and Rajneesh Kumar and Sujata Arya of Airport Health Organization.

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