America created history, SpaceX launches two NASA astronauts into space

Washington: The date of May 30 has been marked in golden letters in the history of space. The spacecraft (crew dragon) of private company SpaceX has taken two NASA astronauts from the US John F. Kennedy Space Center to the International Space Center. This is the first time in the history of space, when a private company spacecraft is going to the orbit with astronauts.

The launch of the spacecraft has been done at 3.22 pm on Saturday day as per US time, and at 12.25 pm after midnight on Saturday, Indian time. Inside it, the journey of two astronauts to reach the International Space Center is 19 hours. This mission has ushered in a new era towards commercial space flight. It is believed that this mission will prove to be a milestone in the commercial journey of space. The special thing about this mission is that after nine years, astronauts have been sent to space from the US soil. This mission was named Launch America.

Three days before this, NASA postponed its launch due to weather. Due to the lightening of rain, clouds and lightning in the sky, this mission had to be stopped 17 minutes before the launch. The atmosphere was so bad due to the stormy weather that two NASA astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Benken could be in danger. Postponing the NASA administration mission, he said that the safety of our crew member is our top priority.

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