Rainfall in Delhi for three consecutive days

New Delhi: The dawn of the nation's capital Delhi was accompanied by rain. Delhi-NCR has been raining continuously for 3 days. Most areas of Delhi-NCR received heavy rain on Monday with strong winds. Light rain has also been recorded at many places. Due to rain, the weather of Delhi-NCR has become pleasant.

Even though people have got some relief from the heat due to the rain, the waterlogging has caused problems for them. On Monday morning, the people who left their work had to face a lot of problems due to heavy rain and waterlogging. The problem of waterlogging was not seen only in the capital Delhi. Rather Noida-Greater Noida, Ghaziabad, and Gurugram, Palwal, and Faridabad are also upset by the waterlogging caused by heavy rains. Due to the waterlogging on the roads of Delhi, the problem of heavy traffic has arisen.

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has forecast cloudy sky with light rain in Delhi-NCR today. According to IMD, the maximum temperature of Delhi can go up to 37 ° C. The minimum temperature is likely to be 25 degrees Celsius. The Meteorological Department estimates that light rain may occur in some areas of Delhi on Tuesday as well.

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