Ravi won several gold medals in a row at the Asian Championships

Indian wrestler Ravi Kumar Dahiya put up a dominating performance against Kazakhstan's Rakhat Kaljan on Saturday to win the final on the back of technical superiority and clinched his third consecutive gold medal at the Asian Championships. Tokyo Olympics silver medallist Ravi had initially lost the lead in all his bouts but has come back brilliantly to beat all the rivals in the men's freestyle event. It was his second final of the season.

Ravi won the gold medal jet in the Dan Kolov event in February. Olympic silver medallist Ravi, who hails from Nahri village in Sonepat, has again shown his physical ability and strategic superiority and made it to the finals after voting for Japan's Rikuto Arai first in the men's 57kg freestyle.

In the title clash, Kaljan had gone ahead of the 'take down' for a long time, he did not allow the Indian wrestler to take any points. But in line with his style, Ravi has started dominating the match due to his technical superiority. He has got six consecutive 'two-pointers'. In the meantime has also saved himself from a 'left-leg attack' which ended early in the second period and India won the first gold medal of the tournament this year. Ravi had won a gold medal at the 2020 stage in Delhi and also in Almaty last year.

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