Malamas starting on September 18, know this week's fasts and festivals

Pitra Paksha is going on these days. In such a situation, the forefathers are to be given farewell on September 17. The Shraddha karma is going to end with the Amavasya. Malmas is scheduled to begin on September 18. Whenever the Sun enters the zodiac sign of Sagittarius or Pisces, it seems premature, and it comes every third year. Now today we are going to tell you the auspicious time and date of Trayodashi, Chaturdashi, Shraddha and Sarvapriti Amavasya.

September 15 (Tuesday): First (pure) Ashwin Krishna Trayodashi till 11 pm, Chaturdashi. Trayodashi Shradh.

16 September (Wednesday): Amavasya after the first (pure) Ashwin Krishna Chaturdashi evening 7: 57. Chaturdashi Shraddha.

17 September (Thursday): First (pure) Ashwin Amavasya Pratipada after 4:30 pm. Omnipotent Amavasya.

September 18 (Friday): Ashwin Adhimas (Malamas) Pratipada afternoon after 12 noon.

September 19 (Saturday): Ashwin Adhimas Dwitiya in the morning till 9: 33 minutes followed by Tritiya night by 5:39.

September 20 (Sunday): Vainayaki Shri Ganesh Chaturthi fast.

21 September (Monday): Purushottam Mas Panchami.

Know the festivals falling in September

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