Simple ways to stop allergies at home!!!

Steps to reduce indoor allergens are complicated and time consuming, but there are some easy things you can do that may help. Some steps may be more effective than others, depending on what particular allergy or allergies you have.


Encase pillows, mattresses and box springs in dust-mite-proof covers. Wash sheets, pillowcases and blankets at least once a week. Use washable curtains made of plain cotton or synthetic fabric.  Close windows and rely on air conditioning during pollen season. Clean mold and condensation from window frames and sills. Choose easy-to-clean chairs, dressers and nightstands made of leather, wood, metal or plastic


Install and use a vented exhaust fan to remove cooking fumes and reduce moisture. Wash dishes daily. Scrub the sink and faucets to remove mold and food .Wipe up excessive moisture to avoid mold growth in the refrigerator and discard moldy or out-of-date food. Clean cabinets and countertops with detergent and water. Place garbage in a can with an insect-proof lid and empty trash daily. Keeping the kitchen free of food crumbs will help reduce the chance you will have rodents or cockroaches.           

Living room:

Consider replacing upholstered sofas and chairs with furniture made of leather, wood, metal or plastic. Find a new home for potted plants or spread aquarium gravel over the dirt to help contain mold.

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