Sohail Tariq’s swift rise as an entrepreneur garners him massive headlines all over.

His passion, combined with his determination, brought him this far, he believes.

All those who wander in life are not lost. This is a phrase many of us have already heard and known, and it also stands true for many in this world in multiple ways. There are a few people who work with a determined mind towards one particular aim, while there are a few others whose whole purpose in life is to add more value to the lives of others through their work. Sometimes, it becomes necessary to hold more talk around them, for they go ahead in instilling more motivation in others and eventually inspire them to do their best, no matter what, and work towards getting closer to their goals and visions in life. Serving as one of the best examples of one such talent from Multan, is Sohail Tariq, the one who has been garnering massive headlines lately.

It is crucial to hold more talk around people, and entrepreneurs like Sohail Tariq as their real and raw stories have the power to make a genuine dent in the world for other budding talents to believe in who they are as professionals and individuals. Sohail Tariq mentions how things weren’t as easy as it seemed for him at the beginning of his career, but what kept him going was his passion and determination that acted as his companions on his journey. Would you believe it if we say he holds an experience of 22 years? Well, you read that right. He is truly a genuine talent who first has spellbound people as a Chartered Accountant and now as an entrepreneur. What has attracted more attention of people towards him is his self-made success story.

As a freelance expert and entrepreneur, he has attained a mammoth of clients and has handled more than 200 dropshipping accounts, 100 wholesale accounts, 50 Amazon PL projects, and handled 30 Walmart accounts of more than 200 clients. His company has 250 employees, and the entrepreneur is currently making every possible effort to grow his company further to make it a successful brand.

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