Students infected with COVID-19 can appear in HSLC but have to follow these rules

The Board of Secondary Education (SEBA) has decided that students infected with COVID-19 will be able to take the HSLC exam in isolation at the allocated testing centre.

The board stated that if a student is found to be COVID-19 positive and experiencing COVID-19-related symptoms during the HSLC test period, they would be permitted to take the exam while remaining separated from other students. SEBA stated that the examinations would be held at the designated centres on the specified dates, and that no students will be permitted to miss the examination due to covid.

For the first time since the covid epidemic, pupils who have been infected with the virus will take the exam after being isolated. Earlier, the boards met with representatives of the All Assam Student Union (AASU) to discuss the same issue. The decision was made for the well-being of the HSLC appearing students and to complete the examination process without any barriers, according to AASU General Secretary Shankarjyoti Baruah, who spoke to the media.

The next HSLC exams will be taken by a total of 4,32 884 pupils this year. There will be students from the Assam High Madrassa among the overall number of students, with 903 centres given to students from the state Madrassa. The 2022 HSLC (High School Leaving Certificate) will be held from March 15 to March 31. The examination will be done in two shifts, with the first shift beginning at 9:00 a.m. and concluding at 12:00 noon, and the second shift beginning at 01:30 p.m. and ending at 04:30 p.m.

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