Taking care of skin in monsoon will be even easier

During monsoon, rain water affects our skin in many ways. Especially the risk of cuts or irritation increases on the skin of the feet because along with rain water, mud and dirty bacteria also stick to the skin. After walking a short distance, the skin gets cut or torn, which can cause irritation and itching. If this problem is not treated in time, it can take the form of a fungal infection.

Why does fungal infection occur?

Due to high humidity in the rainy season, the risk of fungal infection increases. When fungal infection reaches the nails, it is called onychomycosis. In this, the color of the nails may turn yellow or white and they may start breaking. Foot infections can also cause itching, burning and rashes, and may also smell bad. People wear shoes in the rain, but if the shoes get wet and the feet are kept wet for a long time, then skin infection can occur.

Home Remedies

Take care of cleanliness

Cleanliness is most important to protect the feet and skin from cuts or irritation during the rainy season. Do not let dirt and moisture accumulate between the feet. There is more moisture between the toes, so clean them immediately if they are wet. Wear airy slippers or slippers to avoid wet feet. If closed shoes get wet, the risk of infection may increase.

Uses of coconut oil

It is important to keep the skin moisturized as it helps it to heal itself. Therefore, apply coconut oil on feet, hands and face before sleeping at night. It has antibacterial properties and keeps the skin moisturized for a long time. It is also beneficial to sleep with coconut oil applied on fingers during the rainy season.

Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel is very beneficial for the skin. It has antibacterial properties which help in repairing the skin. If the skin is cut or there is irritation, then clean your skin thoroughly before sleeping at night and then apply aloe vera gel.

Vinegar remedy

You can also use vinegar water to relieve irritation and itching from the skin of your feet. Vinegar contains acid which can help. However, it is better to consult a skin specialist before trying this remedy.

neem leaves water

Neem has many properties which are excellent for skin care. Neem juice is used in many beauty products. You can use neem leaves for skin care. Take hot or lukewarm water in a bucket and add neem leaves juice to it. Now keep the feet affected by infection in this water for 15 minutes. After this wash the skin with normal water. The antibacterial properties of neem will help in healing the skin quickly.

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