The Benefits Of Sleeping On Your Left Side!

The position we sleep in has a huge impact on our health. As some people say tossing and turning around in your sleep is a kind of exercise. Most people toss and turn around before falling asleep, as they can’t really decide which side to sleep on. Some sleep better on their sides, some on their stomach and some on their back. But sleeping on your left side has a lot of benefits which you may have not heard of. Listed below are some of the benefits of sleeping on your left side.

Sleeping on your left side is very good for your heart

This position improves circulation to the heart. This theory is based on the idea of how gravity can facilitate both lymph drainage towards the heart as well as circulation away from the heart.

Helps those with Heart Burn

Individuals suffering from heart burn may get some relief at night by sleeping on their left side. By doing so, the stomach is in a position below the entrance to the stomach of the esophagus.

Prevents snoring

People who snore a lot are the ones who sleep on their backs as their tongue moves back into the throat.

It supports the body in getting rid of unwanted materials and toxins

Sleeping on your left side improves the lymphatic system which allows the body to help filter lymph fluid and waste through the lymph nodes. The left side of the body is said to be the dominant lymphatic side.

Relief to neck and back Pain

These two are very common pains that most individuals experience. The position you sleep in could be one of the causes. Sleeping on your left side could lessen the pain.

Beneficial for pregnant women

Sleeping on the left helps relieve pressure on the back, keeping the uterus from pressing against the liver. It also increases blood flow to the uterus, fetus and kidney.

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