The Best Natural Substitutes For Sugar

Sugar is best kept to a minimum in your diet in order to decrease your risk for diabetes, heart disease, and to help you lose weight or prevent weight gain. When looking for natural sweeteners, there are a few important things to consider. It’s wise to use sweeteners that are naturally derived, minimally processed, not contaminated, and contain some nutrients and antioxidants. Here are some natural sweeteners:


Commonly known as sweet leaf or sugar leaf, stevia rebaudiana is a widely grown plant, which belongs to the sunflower family, native to Central and South America. Fresh leaves from the stevia plant can be used in hot or cold drinks or on their own as a herbal tea. The leaves are dried to form a powder, which can be used in baking - two tablespoons of stevia powder is the same as one cup of sugar.


Honey is a natural, sweet liquid produced by bees from the nectar of flowers which plays a vital role sustaining and nourishing bee colonies. Honey has long been used for both nutrition and medicinal healing. It is sweeter than sugar, so you'll need to use less and because honey is liquid, you'll need less fluid in the recipe.

Maple syrup

This healthy sweetener is 100% natural, pure and free of any coloring or additives. Boiled down directly from tree sap, which is harvested from the maple tree towards the end of winter, pure maple syrup is an unprocessed, authentic product of nature. White sugar, for example, is typically derived from sugar cane, and processed and purified before being sold. Because maple syrup is not processed, it contains higher levels of potentially beneficial minerals, including calcium, potassium, sodium and copper, making it the best sugar alternative.

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