Monkey picked up innocent sleeping in the courtyard, and then...

Banda: A two-month-old boy was picked up by a monkey while he was sleeping on the roof in Banda, Uttar Pradesh, and thrown down. In the incident, the child died on the spot. The information about this incident has created a stir in the area. There was mourning in the house family as well as the surrounding area. The family members of the child have also cremated the child without a post-mortem.

The incident is being reported from Chhapar under the Tindwari police station. Vishweshwar Verma's son was sleeping in the courtyard of the house late Tuesday evening. On the other hand, the mother was engaged in other household chores. Meanwhile, suddenly a monkey came and picked up the baby and started taking him toward the roof with the help of a ladder. Hearing the child's cries, the family rushed to the spot and started making noise. At the same time, the fleeing monkey threw the child down from the roof. Hearing the sound, the family rushed to the doctor living in the neighborhood. Where he declared the child dead.  

After this, the family also cremated the child without a post-mortem. The family members, including the mother, are upset over the incident. Vishweshwar was supporting his family by working as a laborer. Tindwari police station in-charge Inspector Narendra Pratap Singh said he was not aware of the matter. At the same time, the villagers, including the village head, said that they will complain to the forest department to catch the monkeys.

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