The speeding car entered the hut, trampled 4 women .., 3 minors arrested

Hyderabad: Four women lost their lives after a speeding car rammed into a roadside hut in Te Langana's Karimnagar. Police have detained three minors in the case. The accident happened after a car overturned in roadside huts in Karimnagar on Sunday, 31 January. The father of the minor driver has also been arrested under section 304 of IPC.

In this accident, apart from the death of four women, three others have been injured. After hitting the hut, the car fell into the drain. Three of the dead women died on the spot, while one died on the way to the hospital. The deceased have been identified as Farid, Sunita, Lalita and Jyoti. The car driver had fled after the accident. However, later, the police came to know that the accused driver was a minor studying in class 9, who was in the car with his friends and lost control of the car.

The police found that the merchant father of the minor was aware that his son was driving the car and hence the police decided to take strict action against him. The boy has been charged with culpable homicide not amounting to murder. Along with this, the police have come to know that many traffic violation challans are also pending on the car.

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