Trump plans firing FBI director after election

US President Donald Trump and his advisors have reportedly been considering the possibility of firing FBI Director Christopher Wray post Election Day on reason that he did not give him with information that would be politically advantageous in the final weeks before elections. Discussions between the President and his senior advisers have resulted from criticism that Wray and Attorney General William Barr have not fulfilled Trump's wish for an official investigation to be launched into Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, The Hill reported, citing sources.

A source who requested without mentioning name to be able to freely disclose information on the internal discussion said that Trump has suggested that he wants action similar to that taken ahead of the 2016 elections by FBI Director James Comey, who had informed Congress about the investigation he had re-opened into the then-Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of State. As per the polling data from 2016, Comey's announcement had a significant impact on Clinton's lead over Trump, even though it came in just 11 days before the elections. According to sources, Trump considers Wray to be one of his worst personnel picks. Both White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and top Trump advisor Dan Scavino have also condemned Wray in internal talks.

The White House spokesman Judd Deere reportedly told the Post that the White House does not speculate on personnel matters, adding that "if the president doesn't have confidence in someone he will let you know." In their proposal for an official investigation into Biden and his son, Trump along with his supporters used a New York Post article that alleged Hunter Biden helped broker a meeting between an executive at Burisma, the Ukrainian gas firm and his father when Joe Biden was vice president.

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