US welcomes India's decision to ban 118 Chinese Apps

Washington: The United States has justified India's move to ban 118 mobile apps yesterday. On Wednesday, the US called on all countries and companies to join the "clean network". The US State Department quoted Keith Crutch of the US Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy and the Environment, saying, "India has already banned more than 100 Chinese apps. We invite freedom lovers to join the clean network."

Crutch commented on the banned 118 more mobile apps. The government has said that "These are the apps which are engaged in activities which are prejudicial to India's sovereignty and integrity, defence and security as well as public order". Trump started the 'Clean Network' program early this year. In which there was an initiative to protect the privacy of its citizens and the most sensitive information of its companies from the aggressive intrusion of deadly organizations such as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Two months ago, India banned 59 China-linked apps amidst the ongoing border tension with China in eastern Ladakh.

Now the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology said in a release that the decision is a targeted step to ensure the safety, security and sovereignty of Indian cyberspace. The Ministry says that it has received many complaints from various sources, in which many have been told about the misuse of mobile apps. These apps use some mobile apps available on the Android and iOS platforms to steal and unauthorizedly transmit users' data to servers that exist outside India. On Wednesday, 118, including the mobile game PUBG (Player Unown Mobile Application), has been banned.

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