Varicose veins is a dangerous disease, this is the cure

If you are troubled by problems in the legs, then check if there are varicose veins, usually varicose veins develop when someone is overweight, has a family history, is pregnant or is getting pregnant. Stand for long periods. Varicose veins develop in both men and women. Symptoms include tiredness in the legs, cramps in the feet, pain in the feet and swelling in the ankles. If the varicose veins are not treated, the vein becomes thick, stiff and sore.

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It is worth noting that as varicose veins disease increases, it can cause serious problems. Varicose veins are easy to treat at an early stage and also have very good results. At the same time, the treatment is difficult when the disease increases greatly and it also takes a long time to get results. Laser treatment of varicose veins is the accepted and preferred form of treatment worldwide.

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If we talk about its treatment, then it is better than open surgery in terms of results. In addition, it is painless, stain-free, and the patient can return to his or her daily work in 48–72 hours. EVLT means the endovenous laser treatment of varicose veins. It is a painless, stain-free treatment and has minimal or minimal problems. The patient can soon resume his daily activities. 

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