What to do if car brakes suddenly fail?

Imagine you're cruising down the highway, enjoying the drive, when suddenly, your worst nightmare comes true – your car's brakes fail. Panic sets in, but remember, staying calm is crucial in such situations. Here's what to do if you find yourself in this frightening scenario:

Assess the Situation

First things first – assess the situation. Don't give in to panic. Take a deep breath and focus. Determine if the brake pedal feels different or if there are any warning signs like strange noises or vibrations.

Try the Brakes

Attempt to apply the brakes gently. Sometimes, brake failure might be partial or intermittent. Gradually press the brake pedal to see if it responds at all. If there's no response, move on to the next steps.


If your car has a manual transmission, downshift to a lower gear. This can help slow down the vehicle by using engine braking. Downshifting can be particularly useful if you're driving downhill.

Engage Emergency Brake

Carefully pull up the emergency or parking brake. Be cautious, as sudden or forceful application of the emergency brake can cause the rear wheels to lock up, leading to a loss of control. Use the emergency brake progressively and with finesse.

Look for Escape Routes

Keep scanning the road for potential escape routes. Look for open spaces, shoulders, or run-off areas where you can safely steer your vehicle. Avoid sharp turns or sudden maneuvers that could lead to a loss of control.

Signal Your Intentions

Alert other drivers by using your hazard lights and horn. This can help warn them of the emergency situation and prompt them to give you space. Communication is key in ensuring the safety of everyone on the road.

Steer to Safety

Gradually steer your vehicle towards a safe area away from traffic. Aim for areas with minimal obstructions and hazards. Use gentle movements to maintain control and avoid overcorrection.

Prepare for Impact

If you're unable to bring the vehicle to a complete stop, prepare for impact. Look for options to minimize the force of the collision, such as hitting a soft object or a stationary object that can absorb some of the impact.


Once the vehicle has come to a stop, turn off the ignition to prevent any potential fires. Exit the vehicle cautiously, staying alert for oncoming traffic. Seek assistance from emergency services and notify them of your location.

Prevention is Key

Regular maintenance is crucial in preventing brake failures. Schedule routine inspections and servicing of your vehicle's braking system. Look out for warning signs such as squealing brakes, spongy pedal, or unusual noises and address them promptly.

Stay Informed

Familiarize yourself with your vehicle's braking system and know what to do in case of emergencies. Consider taking defensive driving courses to improve your skills and confidence behind the wheel. While the thought of experiencing a brake failure is terrifying, knowing how to react can make all the difference. Stay calm, assess the situation, and take decisive actions to steer your vehicle to safety. Remember, preparation and quick thinking can help mitigate the risks associated with brake failures.

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