What to Eat for healthy Teeth!!!!

You all probably know which foods can take you to the dentist. But do know which foods can take you away from the dentist?

Well, here is a list for you to keep your teeth strong and healthy.

Dairy is the Best

Calcium is essential for strong and healthy teeth. And all dairy products contain sources of dietary calcium. Milk, cheese and yogurt contain minerals like calcium and phosphorous which is good for teeth. They also contain a protein called casein, which frees the teeth from cavity.

Crunch and Munch

Foods like carrots, apples, and cucumbers require a lot of chewing & disturbs dental plaque and serves as a cleansing mechanism for your teeth. Raw carrots increase saliva production which can reduce the risk of cavities.

Green tea

Green tea has a lot of health benefits. Due to its high antioxidant value, it is also great for your mouth. It prevents cavity by lowering the acidity of saliva and dental plaque. Its anti-inflammatory powers prevent gum diseases, tooth loss and keeps bad breath away.

Coconut Oil

Surprised?? For many years, coconut oil has been used as a traditional remedy for battling oral bacteria. It is like digestion, where enzymes break down the fat from the oil into acid, which wipes out germs from the mouth.


Almonds are also a great treat for healthy teeth and gums. They are low in sugar, high in protein and calcium. Almonds are crunchy and they stimulate saliva for cleansing properties.

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