CM Yogi Adityanath inaugurates Kisan Pathshala in Lokbhawan

Lucknow: State Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath made a big announcement while inaugurating Kisan Pathshala in Lokbhawan, Lucknow. He said the centre and the state government are working to make the farmers Equitable. He said that in the coming hours, the Mandis will not be operated by the officers but the elected representatives of the farmers. So that their problems can be properly disposed of.

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According to the information, he said that after observing the schemes of the Department of Panchayati Raj, the gram panchayats would be made a pivot of development. He called for every village to have its own secretariat so that the daily activities of the villagers can be effectively discharged. Yogi said that in the last two editions of Kisan Pathshala, about 15000 Krishi Kendras in all the districts of the state have been trained to double the income of farmers and to achieve the target of low cost and higher production with modern technology. This is benefiting the food donors.

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With this, he said that two years ago, in the same state, the farmer was compelled to flee from agriculture due to government neglect and apathy, but today the same Annan farmer is working to grow gold on the land of the state with his diligence. More than one crore farmers of up have been benefited from the Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme within the country. For the rest of the farmers, we are making arrangements.


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