This young man is eating equal to ten people in the quarantine center
This young man is eating equal to ten people in the quarantine center

Fearing Corona, people coming from other states in their home state are being asked to stay in the quarantine centers, where their food and drink have also been arranged by the government. Many quarantine centers in India remain a matter of discussion due to poor arrangements or other reasons, but a quarantine center of Buxar in Bihar has become famous across the country for a particular reason. Actually, 21-year-old Anoop Ojha living here has come into the discussion due to overeating.

Actually, he eats more, it was learned when he ate 85 litti alone one day in the Quarantine Center. It is common for them to eat around 40 rotis and 10-20 plates of rice. If the quarantine center is left, they also eat the same food if they stay at home. According to the villagers, Anup once ate up to 100 samosas. According to the information received, Anoop works in Rajasthan. He was quarantined in Buxar only after returning from there. It is not that Anoop is very fat-fresh due to overeating. His height is normal and the weight is also around 70 kg. According to media reports, the administrator of the Quarantine Center has no problem in feeding them much, but the cook's condition deteriorates in cooking food for them.

It is not that Anoop not only eats more, but he also works more than ordinary people. He alone does the work of 5-6 people. When the matter of Anoop's over-eating reached the zonal officer, he himself came to meet him. He has instructed the administrator of the Quarantine Center that Anoop should be given as much food as he wants. There should be no deficiency in his food.

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