Mumbai: On Thursday, in a tragic incident, at least three people were killed after a tractor overturned in Gadchiroli area of Maharashtra. According to a tweet by ANI, the victims were returning to their village after casting their votes today. Voting in seven Lok Sabha constituencies of Maharashtra is currently underway amid tight security. A total electorate of 1.30 crore is eligible to vote for 116 candidates in these seven constituencies on Thursday.
Scores of votershad queued up early at polling stations in Nagpur, Chandrapur, Ramtek, Wardha, Yavatmal-Washim, Gadchiroli-Chimur and Bhandara-Gondiya in Maharashtra. Reports inform that glitches in VVPAT-EVMs disrupted voting in some polling stations, resulting in long queues. The problems, were found in Booth No. 127 (Gadchiroli-Chimur constituency), booth No. 147 (Yavatmal-Washim), with the electronic voting machines (EVMs) functioning extremely slowly and delaying the voting process, a report by IANS stated.
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Till 1 PM, a robust average of 30.19 per cent voting was recorded. Reports inform that surprisingly, the highest voting at 41.87 per cent, was notched in the Maoist-infested Gadchiroli-Chimur and the lowest at 23.19 per cent, was seen in Ramtek, a reserved SC seat.
Around noon, another incident was reported from Gadchiroli district. A blast took place outside the Vaghzari polling booth in the Etapalli sub-division of the maoist-infested district where a few people were queued for exercising their franchise for the Gadchiroli-Chimur Lok Sabha seat. No casualty was reported.
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