5 food items that cause Acne
5 food items that cause Acne

The food item we are consuming directly affects our body, various diseases result from our consuming pattern. Our acne is also triggered by the food item we eat, not only do our eating patterns worsens our acne. Here are 5 food items that trigger acne.

Sugars: You might get shocked by reading these but it is true too much sugar causes acne. As  sugar which we consume as refined white sugar in our homes and in other forms like sodas, tetra pack juices, honey, etc. are rich in refined carbs. These get absorbed fast into the bloodstream, raising your sugar levels which result in acne.

Non veg Food: The pimple appears on the jawline and the neck, besides the cheeks. These are due to an excessive intake of meats like chicken and mutton. Red meat can cause these pimples because of various components present it.

 Caffeine, Alcohol : Caffeine, sugar, and refined carbs cause a spike in cortisol in the body. Cortisol is the stress hormone and it’s what your body releases when it’s stressed out. This spike can cause your body to overproduce oil, resulting in breakouts.  Alcohol and smoking also affect worsen the pimples.

Junk food: We all are aware about the fact that oil is bad for acne. Fried food and junk food are very bad for the body. It causes digestion issues, and heart-related issues and may also cause long-term harm to the body. Oil causes inflammation which results in acne.

Bananas: Consuming too much Banana also causes acne as banana also has a large amount of sugar this makes bananas extremely problematic for people who experience acne regularly. Bananas have endless benefits, therefore you should only avoid these when you have acne.

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