5 Simple yoga poses to start for beginners
5 Simple yoga poses to start for beginners

In our daily routines, exercise is very important. Maintaining our health depends on us some like to go to the gym or do aerobics or practice yoga. Yoga is a highly beneficial form of exercise to stay fit and active. It's said that it engages all the body parts and gives you a sense of calm. People who do it for the first time can find it a little difficult to balance themselves and stretch it out. 

The perfect amount of strength and balance will develop over time. There are some asanas we are sharing for beginners to get you started:

1) Plank pose (Phalakasana)

This pose strengthens muscles and teaches us how to keep breathing in a challenging posture. Be absolutely straight and keep the shoulders down.

2) Mountain pose (Tadasana)

This asana teaches steadiness. You have to stand straight with heels apart and keep your hands next to the midriff. While inhaling, feel the body tighten and relax it while exhaling.

3) Tree pose (Vrikshasana)

Place the right foot on the inner side of your left thigh and fold your hands. Choose a point in front to focus on and then change the foot after 10 breaths.

4) Triangle pose (Trikonasana)

This is ideal to tone your muscles and stretch your waist. Keep your feet apart and place your right leg on the floor at a 90-degree angle. 

5) Child pose (Balasana)

One of the easiest poses and perfect for beginners. Kneel down and sit on your heels and lower your head on the ground and stretch your hands in the back in a way that your palms are next to your feet. 

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