3 Kadha Recipes To Save You From Chilly Winters
3 Kadha Recipes To Save You From Chilly Winters

The immunity of your body with seasonal changes and temperature dipping day by day gets affected easily. It is during this time of the year when you are prone to catching a virus infection easily. Your level of immunity is low and the chances of falling sick are more.

At such time, you need to boost your immunity and take care and follow a strict regime. Changes in your diet will be helpful like add more winter foods and soup to your meals, and look after yourself. To prevent you from falling sick, we are here with 3 different recipes of kadha, an Ayurvedic concoction that helps soothe your nerves, calm your mind, di-stress you, and act as an immunity booster. 

1. Kadha for regular flu, cold, and cough

Recipe: Grind cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, and black pepper mix them and add it to two cups of boiling water. Add almost 4-5 basil leaves and let it steep for 5 minutes. If you want then add honey to this concoction for a sweet taste. 

2. Kadha to boost immunity

Recipe: Add 1 tbs of turmeric powder and 5-6 peppercorns to boiling water. Brew it for 5 minutes and add coconut oil, honey, and 5-6 lemon drops to this concoction. 

3. Kadha for improved digestion

Recipe: Grind some saunf, jeera, and ajwain together and add it to boiling water of two cups. Add 7-8 mint leaves to this concoction and let it brew for 5 minutes. 

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