5 Ways to get rid of dry lips this winter season
5 Ways to get rid of dry lips this winter season

We all are excited for winter but the winter season also brings dry skin and we hate it for this. Cold, dry weather, sun damage, and frequently licking your lips are just some of the reasons your lips might feel dry and chapped. Here are 5 ways to get rid of Dry lips this winter Season.

Coconut Oil : Coconut oil is not only helpful for your hair but also for your skin and lips. This  is an emollient that not only moisturizes the skin,  but it can also protect the skin by enhancing its barrier function. So apply coconut oil before sleeping.

Aloe Vera Gel : It  has a number of uses and is best known as a home remedy Its anti-inflammatory properties and soothing  for your dry lips.  Take fresh gel from the leaf of an aloe plant. To do this, cut a leaf off the plant and slice it open to scoop out the gel. Apply the gel to your lips with your fingers whenever your feel dry lips.

Do not lick: Stop licking, biting, and picking at your lips. When lips feel dry, it may feel natural to wet them by licking them, but this can worsen the problem. As saliva evaporates, your lips become drier and it also affect the quality.

Honey: It serves as an amazing moisturizing agent that has multiple antibacterial properties. Make a mixture of honey and glycerin, and apply it to your lips. Leave it overnight and wake up. It will help you to keep your lips smooth.

Almond  oil :Not only coconut but various other oil are also effective to get rid of this problem. They not only help enhance beauty but also rejuvenate and replenish the skin. Almond oil is one of the most nourishing oils, and not only helps to lighten the color over a period of time but can also be used as an organic makeup remover. 

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