You tend to hear less as you age, but it may happen at any age if you ignore their cleaning and maintenance, and abuse them. Hearing loss—a deterioration in hearing can have several causes, such as exposure to very loud noise, taking certain drugs, Meniere’s disease, stroke, and some hereditary diseases.
- It may be helpful to eliminate foods like fatty meats and dairy products, ice cream, and sugary foods from your diet as a first step to improve your hearing loss.
- The ears are said to correlate to the kidneys. The kidneys are often treated with acupuncture or moxibustion to help improve the ears. It is interesting that the ears and kidneys are similarly shaped. You can practice acupressure by tapping the ears firmly with two fingertips with the top portion of the ear gently folded over the ear opening, of the other hand 50 to 100 times every day.
- Cutting down on salt may be improved by reducing salt, which can cause fluids to be retained in the ear.
- Hearing exercises can help you recognize where sounds are coming from and who or what is making the sounds. Place a radio or speaker in one area of the room, and play music or a sound at a comfortable volume. Place another sound source in a different area of the room, and turn up the volume until the combination of the two sounds creates a noisy environment.
- Avoid accumulation of earwax. Hearing loss due to a build-up of earwax is usually temporary but trying to clean your ears at this point can be dangerous. Be careful to clean them gently or seek the assistance of a professional so as not to harm the eardrum.
Pedal to a healthy and happy life!!!
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