62 countries demanding investigation against china over corona case
62 countries demanding investigation against china over corona case

Washington: Coronavirus virus was born in the city of Wuhan in China and after that it slowly started wreaking havoc all over the world which has so far killed 4,701,896 people. It is believed that the coronavirus was hidden by China in its initial cases, due to which many countries of the world have demanded the accountability of China.

Now 62 countries in the world, including India, have called for an independent investigation on the Coronavirus, among other things. At the same time, the World Health Organization (WHO) is also being questioned on suspicion of giving protection to China. On Monday, the European Union demanded an independent investigation into the World Health Assembly (WHA) regarding Corona. It calls for a fair and detailed investigation into the International Health Response under the leadership of the WHO regarding the Corona epidemic.

If sources are to be believed, the language of this proposal has been kept such that both China and America have not been able to oppose it, both the countries are not in the list of 62 countries which have supported the proposal. The proposal calls for the WHO Secretary-General to work with international agencies to find out the source of the virus and how to detect it spread to humans.

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