7-year-old girls gets trapped in bathroom for five days, survives on water
7-year-old girls gets trapped in bathroom for five days, survives on water

In a shocking incident reported from Makhtal town in Narayanpet district of Telangana , A seven-year-old girl survived for five days on water after falling into the bathroom of her neighbour`s house while playing.

According to the report, the house owner was shocked to see the girl trapped lying in his bathroom after he returned home on Thursday from a tour. With no food for five days and surviving only on the water available in the bathroom, the girl had turned very weak and was in a state of shock.

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In the investigation, it is found that Kuravakacheri Akhila, a class II student, accidentally fell onto the bathroom of a house while playing on the terrace of an adjacent building on April 20. As the roof had an opening fitted with plastic net, she fell through into the bathroom but sustained no injuries as a rope with clothes on it took the impact.

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 Girl’s parents  Suresh and Mahadevamma lodged a missing complaint the next day after their search yielded no result. It was on Wednesday that, the owner of the house returned from Hyderabad, where his family lives. Venkatesh said he was shocked to see the girl lying in bathroom. He alerted the neighbours, who identified her as the daughter of tenants behind their house. Akhila, who was not even able to speak, was rushed to a local hospital, where she was administered saline.



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