Birthday Special: A dig at Rahul Gandhi’s remark on his special day
Birthday Special: A dig at Rahul Gandhi’s remark on his special day

Rahul Gandhi, the the newly elected president of Indian National Congress is well famous for his jokes and his entertaining character instead of his tactics or strategies. If there would be any best comedian award for politicians than, Rahul Gandhi must be the winner for that prestigious award. So, he must be all settled with his birthday speech that is on 19th June. The son of Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi was born in 1970.

Notably, the last birthday of congress’ president was celebrated as Sankalp Diwas and with other different means too. This year we can celebrate it as Comedian Day as he presented many examples that supports the fact that he is the best entertainer. Lets revisit the scenarios:

1. While presenting in his views in OBC Convention, Rahul Gandhi said “Have you heard of the Coca Cola? Do you know who started it? I shall tell you. It was started by a man who used to sell lemonade in America. He used to mix water and sugar. His experience and his talents were appreciated and he got money to build what Coca Cola into what it is today… You must have heard of McDonald’s. It’s everywhere. Who started it? He used to run a roadside eatery “.

As per this remark we can say that Rahul Gandhi must have seen Bollywood movies where a Travel Agency’s owner started as a bus conductor, a Hotel’s owner started as a waiter in the same Hotel.

2. He said, "Poverty is just a state of mind. It does not mean the scarcity of food, money or material things. If one possesses self-confidence, then one can overcome poverty” in an event named ‘Culture, Deepening Democracy and Most Marginalized Communities’ at Allahabad.


Here, we can’t say that its a joke, it can be termed as a dig towards the feeling of poor who are facing such problems. According to his comment, he should motivate people for meditation and Yoga and not for the good roads, better employment, facilities to farmers, etc.

3. When he has to answer a question regarding providing e-literacy services to poor children. He remarked, "Can I ask you a counter question? How are you going to help them?".

It just memorizes me the school days when teacher asked something weird that we have never heard and we used to through back a question instead of giving the answer. 

4. A incredible comment for his own profession- “Politics is in your shirt, in your pant.”

The metaphors that Rahul Gandhi used are never seen and never heard, they are unique like him. This is what he thinks about the politics.

5. In a workshop on social media, Rahul Gandhi said “If India is a computer, then Congress is its default program.”

And if Congress is its default program than there must be a bug in it and BJP must be the anti-virus.

We are wishing a long life to Rahul Gandhi and hope that he will work upon his speech, use of metaphors, facts, statistics and many more things.

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