C6 gene: Tool to battle against Auto Immune Disorder
C6 gene: Tool to battle against Auto Immune Disorder

Instead of the continuous efforts of Scientists, Auto Immune Disorders have always been the most feared diseases of medical science. Forget about the cure, the major causes that lead to this stage were not known. Auto Immune Disorder is a medical condition when our body loses its ability to differentiate between the self and non-self objects and ends up rejecting its own organs leading to an organ failure. Rheumatoid Arthritis is an example of the malfunctioning caused in our Immune system. 

Our Immune system is known to be controlled by various factors such as B and T Lymphocytes. Well, a gene called the 'C6' gene has been discovered by the scientists working at Australia's National Science Agency. This gene is known to affect our immune system very prominently than any other factor. According to the research, the gene regulates the immune functions of the body.

The scientists intend to proceed with their research and develop a technique to use the gene in a way that it may aid us to fight against diseases like Cancer and Arthritis.
The gene C6orf106 or 'C6' regulates the production of proteins that are involved in infections such as Cancer.
Cameron Stewart, a researcher, informed, "Our immune system produces proteins called cytokines that help fortify the immune system and work to prevent viruses and other pathogens from replicating and causing disease. C6 regulates this process by switching off the production of certain cytokines to stop our immune response from spiralling out of control."
Another researcher Rebecca Ambrose affirmed, "Even though the human genome was first fully sequenced in 2003, there are still thousands of genes that we know very little about."

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