Trump emphasis on tax reform to boost economy
Trump emphasis on  tax reform to boost economy

Pennsylvania [U.S.A.]: United States President Donald Trump has said that his tax modification plan would lend a hand the middle-class families and reinforce the American economy.

Talking at the Pennsylvania Air National Guard base at the Harrisburg International Airport in the Lower Swatara Township on Wednesday, Trump said, "America is at last back on the right track, but our nation and our economy cannot go smoothly like they should unless we transform America's out-of-date, complex and awfully burdensome tax code."

Trump further pledged to help the middle-class families by ending the estate tax, which he described as crushing and unfair.

He said his recently-released plan is "pro-growth, pro-jobs, pro-worker, pro-family and pro-America."

"We will bring back our competitive edge and get higher remuneration for American workers," the local media stated Trump, as saying.

He added that tax modification would provide the average household a USD-4,000 lift up.

Trump also attacked the Democrats by calling them 'obstructionists,' (someone who systematically obstructs some action that others want to take) who want to raise taxes.

"We will bring back our jobs, we will bring back our wealth and we will bring back our great American dreams," Trump said.

Trump had previously released a tax plan that proposes to slice income tax rates, slash taxes for businesses and on overseas corporate profits come back to the country. 

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