Men's sperm count increased after taking corona vaccine, research claims
Men's sperm count increased after taking corona vaccine, research claims

New Delhi: A study says pfizer and moderna vaccines do not harm men's fertility. The study also found that sperm levels in the participants remained good even after taking both doses of these vaccines. The study, published in the journal JAMA on Thursday, covered 45 healthy people aged 18 to 50. These people were to get pfizer and moderna vaccines.

The study excluded people who had contracted corona infection or had symptoms until 90 days ago. The participants of the study were examined to ensure that they did not already have any fertility problems. Sperm samples were taken 2 to 7 days before the first dose of the men involved in the study and about 70 days after the second dose. Subsequently, based on the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO), trained specialists (endrologists) analysed sperms on a number of parameters.

It measured sperm content, sperm mobility and total dynamic sperm count (TMSC). Researchers did not see any decline in spermbefore and after vaccines. At the beginning of the study, sperm concentration was 26 million/ml and the total number of dynamic sperms was 36 million. After the second dose of the vaccine, the average sperm concentration (Concentration) increased to 30 million/ML and average TMSC 44 million.

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