Today's Panchang: Know Rahukal and Auspicious timing
Today's Panchang: Know  Rahukal and Auspicious timing

It is said that reading Panchang every morning is considered auspicious. Panchang also give  the knowledge of auspicious and inauspicious timing and the result of the work done during the auspicious time is also good. It is said that no work should be started in Rahukal and the day passes well by worshipping the Moon and the Lord of the Moon in the Nakshatra. 

Today's Calendar-
Date- Triodashi after 12:07 pm
constellation foreshadow
Sun Zodiac,Swamigraha-Moon
Lunar Zodiac- Sagittarius, Swami-Moon
Auspicious timing-Abhijit-Abhijit Muhurat -12 PM to 12:52 PM
Inauspicious timing- Rahukal - 07:30 AM to 09 PM

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