Adam was born with frivolous deformities so his birth parents refused to feed him ?
Adam was born with frivolous deformities so his birth parents refused to feed him ?

You would always witness two types of people in this world: first those who do fear of it, and the second type who make fear ran away from them.

Now we are talking about the second kind, who saved the baby Adam. This is their story deserve a huge round of applause.

You must share it to every one so that they also do something like that and save lives.

Adam was born at the Burrows Memorial Christian Hospital in India, the parent who gave birth left him because of he is deformed and they di didn’t like it.

Although, He has a healthy brain, heart, and lungs, but his outer look is different. Adam was born with frivolous deformities. He had no eyelids, no nose, no hands, and his legs were fused together.

When hospital forced his parents to take him home, they said they'd kill him. They can do anything not to take him home. Then a couple working at the same hospital where Adam was born, hate leave him abandoned. And now baby Adam living a normal life, and he is happy too.

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