Africa's confirmed Covid-19 cases cross 3.36 million
Africa's confirmed Covid-19 cases cross 3.36 million

Coronavirus is wreaking havoc in Africa. The number of cases on the African continent reached 3,368,330 as of Friday.

According to the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), the corona death toll in Africa rose to 82,954 with 2,824,960 recoveries. The most affected African countries in terms of caseload include South Africa, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, and Ethiopia. The African Union (AU) Commission's specialized healthcare agency said that South Africa has reported 39,501 corona related deaths as of Friday, the highest death toll in Africa. Meanwhile, John Nkengasong, director of the Africa CDC, said Friday that the African continent is in a critical phase of the corona pandemic.

Meanwhile, almost 100 million cases of coronavirus have swept around the globe since the pandemic began last March. The United States is home to almost one-quarter of total cases worldwide, reaching 24,631,890 cases of the deadly virus. The global COVID-19 death toll has reached over two million.

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