Elon Musk will also buy Facebook after Twitter...!
Elon Musk will also buy Facebook after Twitter...!

Recently, there was a lot of discussion on social media that Tesla CEO Elon Musk is going to buy Facebook. This discussion started with a post, which created a stir on social media. But, this news is completely false and is just a rumor. Let us know the whole truth of this matter.

What is the truth of the post?

In fact, the account from which this post has been made is a parody (fake) account. The name of this account is clearly written "Elon Musk - Parody". Elon Musk's real X account has an 'X' sign in front of his name and his handle is @elonmusk. At the same time, the handle of this parody account is @meelonmuskusa, which is completely different from the real account.

Such rumours had spread earlier also

This is not the first time that rumors of Elon Musk buying Facebook have spread. A similar post went viral in December 2022, which said that Elon Musk would buy Facebook. At that time a video went viral in which there was talk of Elon Musk buying Facebook. But, later it was found that that video was also fake and it was prepared by tampering with an app. The original video was from April 2022, in which Elon Musk was interviewed by TED Talks head Chris Anderson.

No official announcement from Elon Musk

Elon Musk has not made any official announcement yet to buy Facebook or Meta. His real social media account always provides informative and verified information, and any important announcement will be made from there.

So keep in mind

If you see any post or video on social media about Elon Musk buying Facebook, do not believe it without confirmation. Often such parody accounts or fake videos go viral which are different from the truth. Always confirm from reliable sources and be cautious to avoid rumors. To prevent the spread of such rumors, we have to be responsible digital citizens and verify the correct information. Do not believe these fake posts if there is no official announcement from Elon Musk and look for reliable sources for correct information.

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