Air India Express Faces Flight Cancellations Due to Crew Illness
Air India Express Faces Flight Cancellations Due to Crew Illness

Air India Express had to cancel more than 70 flights because many crew members suddenly fell ill. This unexpected situation caused delays and cancellations for both international and domestic flights. The airline's senior crew member confirmed the issue and said it prompted Civil Aviation authorities to investigate.

In response, Air India Express released a statement acknowledging the problem. They explained that some cabin crew members reported feeling sick at the last minute, starting from the previous night. They assured passengers that they are investigating the reasons behind this and are working to minimize inconvenience. The airline apologized to passengers and emphasized that this doesn't reflect their usual service standard.

Passengers affected by the cancellations have been offered a full refund or the option to reschedule their flights. Air India Express advises passengers to check their flight status before going to the airport.

The sudden illness of crew members has caused significant disruptions for Air India Express, impacting both domestic and international travel. Passengers have been left stranded or inconvenienced due to the cancellations and delays. Many travelers are expressing frustration over the situation, hoping for a swift resolution and clearer communication from the airline. Authorities continue to investigate the matter to determine the cause of the widespread sickness among the crew members.

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