American Vice President Mike Pence praises trump for strengthening US economy
American Vice President Mike Pence praises trump for strengthening US economy

Washington: Top members of the Republican Party once again appealed to the American people to give President Donald Trump a chance at the White House, saying that his administration worked to take the economy forward before the global pandemic Coronavirus hit. And even after the Corona pandemic, he will work in this direction.

US Vice President Mike Pence said on the second day of the four-day 'Republican National Convention' that "America is a land of possibilities and that President Trump, in his first term, created millions of Rogers and reinvigorated the American economy, to prove it he also referred to some personal success cases. Larry Kudlow, Trump's chief economic adviser, said the past few months have been very difficult for all Americans".

He has said, “Our country is looking at the strongest economy ever. Your income has increased. Your tax is reduced. The plans for your retirement are at the highest level. President Trump gave you all this. Prosperity." Kudlow continued "Then the global pandemic came. It brought us back to our knees. But we are American. We are fighters. And our president too. He has not only returned to work directly to protect our health, but also to save our jobs and livelihoods.”

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