Anurag Kashyap had to pay a heavy price for supporting 'Animal'! Daughter Aaliya Kashyap and friends reprimanded him
Anurag Kashyap had to pay a heavy price for supporting 'Animal'! Daughter Aaliya Kashyap and friends reprimanded him

Anurag Kashyap, known for his outspoken nature, recently made headlines again, this time revealing a familial disagreement over his support for Sandeep Reddy Vanga's controversial film 'Animal'. Last year, 'Animal' sparked widespread controversy from audiences to prominent figures alike. Despite the backlash, Anurag Kashyap stood by the film, whereas his daughter, Aaliyah Kashyap, took an opposing stance.

In an interview with Genis Sikera, Anurag Kashyap shared insights into the rift within his own family. "My daughter called me," he revealed, "She hated 'Animal'. My friends called me when I posted a picture with Sandeep and they all came home and asked me a thousand questions, and I said, 'Leave everything else, what's the name of the picture? It's not called 'Human'. Why has the film become difficult?'"

Fifty Percent of Feminists are Show-offs - Anurag

Anurag Kashyap didn't stop there, continuing with his bold statements. "I know many people in this industry and this world whom you will think are right when seen from outside. But they are not; they are pretending. Among those who call themselves feminists, 50% are show-offs. I know many people who have written stories, broken stories, they are very difficult, I have their messages that are very difficult."



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Facing Attacks Personally

Asserting his perspective, Anurag Kashyap emphasized his preference for dealing with complex but honest individuals. "You don't need to rethink about who they are. People like to attack such people. I've been attacked personally," he shared.

Shared Photos with Sandeep Reddy Vanga

It's worth noting that while supporting the film 'Animal', Anurag Kashyap shared several photos with Sandeep Reddy Vanga. Alongside these images, he wrote a lengthy caption stating that he had watched 'Animal' twice in 40 days and believes it will be a game-changer for Hindi cinema.

This revelation by Anurag Kashyap sheds light on the personal conflicts and public controversies surrounding 'Animal', highlighting the complexities within the film industry and society's perceptions of feminism.

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